28 November talk on conflicts for Keen Folk
On 28 November 2018 Robert de Wilde gave a talk at rent24 Co-working space in Amsterdam on:
Preventing and solving conflicts at work
Mediation is the art of facilitating or sorting out business and personal conflicts. Solving disputes in a human way. Re-enter conversations, resolve old resentments, allowing parties to separate or continue.
28. Nov. 2018
Duration of the course
18:30 - 21:00
€ free
Robert de Wilde
Robert is a former lawyer, business coach in Amsterdam, and mediator. Having worked for 20 years as legal advisor (as attorney and in-house counsel) mostly in IT environments. He now helps customers to navigate these challenges and makes it his profession to restore personal or business relationships in an effective and respectful way.
He will go into the fundamentals of mediation used as a means to solve disputes and will share his personal view on why businesses can benefit from this. With third-party conflicts, but also intra-business.
18:00 - door open - welcome drinks
18:30 - presentation starts
20:00 - x - a few more drinks afterwards
Robert de Wilde is a certified career coach, business coach and mediator in Amsterdam with 10+ years experience.